Published Papers
Methodologies for Finding, Analyzing and Prioritizing Moisture Problems in Roofing Materials Using Infrared Thermal Imaging
-Gregory R. Stockton
Are Electrical Switchgear Surveys still the ‘Low-Hanging Fruit’ of Infrared Thermography?
-Gregory R. Stockton
Using Aerial Infrared Thermography to Detect of Utility Theft of Service
-Gregory R. Stockton
RecoverIR Inc.
White Roofs may not be so Green by Greg Stockton (InfraMation 2011)
-Gregory R. Stockton
Using Thermal Mapping at the Data Center
-Gregory R. Stockton
Applications for Infrared Thermography as an NDT Method for Buildings
-Gregory R. Stockton
IV Conferencia Panamericana de END
How aerial IR can be used as a NDT Tool for Asset Management
-Gregory R. Stockton
IV Conferencia Panamericana de END
Aerial Infrared – An Asset Management Tool for District Heating System Operators
-Gregory R. Stockton
IDEA 98th Annual Conference
Termografi´a Infrarroja Ae´rea: Una Herramienta en el Manejo de Propiedades Para Operadores de Sistemas de Calentamiento de un Distrito Determinado
-Gregory R. Stockton
IDEA 98th Annual Conference
Infrared Thermography for Building Managers
-Gregory R. Stockton
Uptime Magazine
The Role of Infrared Testing at Data Centers
-Gregory R. Stockton
IR Info
Your Facility is Leaking
-Gregory R. Stockton
Uptime Magazine
Advances in Applications for Aerial Infrared Thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton / Alejandro Tache
Should panel covers be removed to perform an IR survey of electrical switchgear
-Gregory R. Stockton
‘Five Nines’ and Infrared (IR) Testing at Data Centers
-Gregory R. Stockton
Uptime Magazine
Los ‘Cinco Nueves’ y la Inspeccio´n Infrarroja en los Centros de Procesamiento de Datos
-Gregory R. Stockton
Uptime Magazine
Beyond the Usual Infrared Thermography Applications
-Gregory R. Stockton
Uptime Magazine
Mas alla de las aplicaciones usuales de la Termografia Infrarroja con imagens
-Gregory R. Stockton
Uptime Magazine
Applications for Infrared Thermography at Computer Centers
-Gregory R. Stockton
Aerial Infrared Roof Moisture Surveys
-Gregory R. Stockton
Maintenance World
Fly-By Roof Inspections?
-Gregory R. Stockton
Sensors Magazine
Playing Hide and Seek with Mold-How an infrared thermographer and a mold inspector can partner in their search for mold
-Gregory R. Stockton / Rachelle Dobbins
Sensors Magazine
Aerial Infrared Thermography-Linking thermal mapping results to CAD and GIS systems
-Gregory R. Stockton
Catalyst Magazine
Locating stormwater discharges using aerial infrared thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton
Finding stormwater discharges using aerial infrared thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton / Tom Mayfield
EPA Region 6 Meeting
Advances in Applications and Methodology for Aerial Infrared Thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton
SPIE Thermosense
Finding pollution with aerial infrared thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton
The Industrial Physicist Magazine
Application and Methodology for Locating Stormwater Discharges using Aerial Infrared Thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton
Infrared Applications Everywhere!
-Gregory R. Stockton
Are you IR Challenged?
-Gregory R. Stockton
Using Infrared Cameras for Process Control
-Ron Predmesky
Nondestructive Testing for AmericaOne
-Ron Predmesky
Advances in Selected Applications and Methodology for Aerial Infrared Thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton
‘Infrared Thermography Heats Up’ interview with Greg Stockton and Timo Kauppinen
-Dan Drollette
Photonics Spectrum Magazine
Qualitative Infrared Roof Moisture Surveys-Who Performs Them, Who Buys Them, and Why
-Gregory R. Stockton
Thermal Solutions
Applications for Aerial Infrared Thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton
Thermography in the paper mill; detecting moisture irregularities
-Norm Gaver
Thermographic evaluation of concrete masonry walls have they been properly reinforced?
-Gregory R. Stockton
NOT the Low-hanging Fruit of Infrared Thermography
-Gregory R. Stockton
Thermal Solutions
No es la Fruta Bajita de la Termografìa de Rayos Infrarrojos
-Gregory R. Stockton
Thermal Solutions
The Case for Aerial Infrared
-Gregory R. Stockton
Roof Consultants Institute’s Interface Journal
How and Why an IR Contractor Should Promote the Use of a Spot Radiometer for Client’s In-House P/PM Programs.
-Gregory R. Stockton
¿Còmo y ¿por què un contratista de termografìa infrarroja deberìa…y fabricas
-Gregory R. Stockton
How I Complete a Days Work in One Day
-Gregory R. Stockton
The Difference Between On-Roof and Aerial Infrared Thermography for Roof Moisture Surveying
-Gregory R. Stockton
After the Switchgear
-Gregory R. Stockton