AITscan™ Launches AreaScanIR Resource
AreaScanIR™, the long-time service of Stockton Infrared’s AITscan™ division has been redesigned to offer archived wide-area infrared and visual imagery to the general public. AreaScanIR’s web site (www.areascanir.com) has been redesigned and subdivided into three services. Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc. (SITS) was founded in 1989 by Gregory R. Stockton and has grown to become an industry leader and innovator of infrared applications.
AreaScanIR™ services offer large mosaic infrared and visual imagery mostly used by clients to know the condition of flat and low-slope roofs. AITscan™ thermographers have flown over, or can fly over large areas of cities with high concentrations of commercial roofs. The three services available from AreaScanIR™ are AreaScanIR™ Professional, AreaScanIR™ Direct, and AreaScanIR™ Premium, explained below.
AreaScanIR™ Professional – For roof consultants, roofers and roofing manufacturers, AreaScanIR™ Professional can be a valuable sales tool. Cold-calling roof owners to allow their roofing professionals a chance to evaluate a roof can be a tough proposition. But, by using AreaScanIR™ wide-area archived imagery, roofing professionals will be able to know the condition of a given roof with respect to subsurface moisture contamination, making the sales process more targeted.
AreaScanIR™ Direct – For building owners, building managers, property managers, real estate professionals and insurance company underwriters and claims adjusters, AreaScanIR Direct offers the chance to buy just one building or group of buildings that are contained in the AreaScanIR™ archives. AreaScanIR™ Direct delivers contractor pricing directly to anyone interested in a roof in the archives.
AreaScanIR™ Premium – This service is for any entity interested in the roof moisture condition of multiple roofs over a given geographical area. This is not archived imagery, but new imagery that is flown and then post-processed in a stepped approach. This imagery is the highest resolution available. In the first phase, areas or specific sets of building roofs are selected and flown and then partially post-processed to show the status of the individual roofs. In the second phase, building roofs with problems only are completely analyzed saving the buyer from the expense of post-processing dry roofs.
“We have been collecting infrared and visual imagery for years. AreaScanIR™ provides clients the opportunity to purchase imagery that we have archived,” states Greg Stockton, founder and President of SITS. “The new website makes the purchase process simple and concise, outlines the potential uses, and lists the geographical areas which imagery as already been obtained.” he concludes.
To visit the newly re-designed website, please visit: www.areascanir.com. To see available archived areas, please visit: http://www.areascanir.com/archived_imagery.html.
To learn more about Infrared Thermography and Stockton Infrared Thermography Services, please call 800-248-7226 and visit: www.stocktoninfrared.com.