Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc. Joins the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce
March, 2012 – Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc (SITS) announces its membership in the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce. Founded in 1989, SITS is a nation-wide provider of infrared thermographic services and is well-known for their state-of-the-art aerial infrared services which are utilized to help customers detect roof leaks, steams leaks, detect pollution and…
Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc. Announces It’s Presence on NC Now/UNC TV
August, 2011 – Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc (SITS) announces its presence on NC Now/UNC TV. In June of this year, SITS participated in the Energy Cost Reduction Summer Community College Tour, hosted by Joel Leonard of www.skilltv.org. The name of the tour was “Infrared Thermography: Hot Technology That Can Drive Energy Cost Reductions”. NC…
A flood along the Mississippi, as seen from on high.
The US Army Corps of Engineers detonated explosives at the Birds Point levee near Wyatt, Missouri, at 10:02 p.m. on May 2, 2011. Water from the intentional breach flooded a 130,000-acre stretch of land. Two more breaches were detonated on May 3 and 5. This image from the Advanced Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)…